1. He retired me from the USAF at 34.
2. He partially healed me.
3. He provided a beautiful supporting wife.
4. He provides inspiration on a daily basis which I use to write books.
5. He has kept my family alive and in good health despite illnesses and injuries.
6. I have been protected and provided for financially in several ways.
7. He has restored my reputation many times.
8. He has kept me safe through several dangerous situations.
9. He provided a varied level of experience in the military.
10. He has brought me to a physical location that is very peaceful.
11. I have been provided with many mental and physical talents.
12. He has surrounded with many wise and kind friends and advisors.
13. He has helped me to take a break and make good decisions.
14. He has showed me love through people around me.
15. He provided many second chances.
16. I live in a society where we are free and safe to be Christian.
17. He has given me a great deal of freedom with my time to do what I think is best.
18. I have a great local body to attend with pastors who are dedicated to their callings.
19. He has given me a purpose and a calling.
20. He leads me gently and forgives endlessly.
21. He provides me peace with my neighbors.
22. When I was unable to carry on, he carried me and finished what I could not.
23. He provides me new opportunities on a daily basis which I do not deserve
24. My faults are often overlooked and my strengths are praised.
25. He died for me so that I could have a relationship with him.