Xander Deacon unwittingly becomes the United States Special Intelligent Unit's (USSIU) most successful operator since the Cold War. Growing up in Brooklyn, he is discipled by David Webb who enlists Xander as a child to collect information about a possible disastrous terrorist attack in NYC on which David has no information to go on. Given this tutelage along with his grandfather who retired from the Mossad as well as being fluent in English, Hebrew and Arabic, Xander is well positioned to become a lethal special intelligence operator. However, Xander's commander, General Saul Don Mclean, alias Mac Paul, leads Xander into morally questionable descisions which Xander begins to regret because of his growing Christian faith. His parents pray for his salvation while Xander encounters struggling Christian musician, Keith Green and world famous evangelist, Michael Chan, who disciple him. Xander ultimately has to make a decision to obey the illegitimate commands of his commander or run for his life from USSIU's knights (assassins). He has little recourse since he is bound to secrecy and nobody else knows of his service in the USSIU, not even his parents.
The Saga plays out in 7 exciting novels:
1. Deacon's Dedication (Click Here to Read)
2. Deacon's Devotion
3. Deacon's Disciples
4. Deacon's Doubt
5. Deacon's Disgrace
6. Deacon's Daemon
7. Deacon's Death